Athletic Background

Coach Brian has competed and coached at a high level of athletics and he has seen what happens when athletes allow their mental state affect their performance.

Advanced Degrees

Brian has a degree in Athletic Training and a Specialist Degree in Physical Education as well as being a Certified Mental Performance Coach.

Teaching Experience

As an experienced educator, Brian understands the different learning styles on how people learn. Based on the athlete's learning style, Brian can teach a skill or discuss an issue in a manner in which young athletes can understand.

Proven Program

Superior Sports Psyche follows a systematic program with original worksheets and discussions that have proven to be engaging and efficient, in helping athletes gain mental toughness. 

Certified Coach


Working with a certified coach, you know Coach Brian has put in the commitment to learning and teaching you the best "practices" to succeed.

Individualized Service

Each session with Superior Sports Psyche is catered to the athlete’s goals and individual circumstances. Our techniques can be adapted to athletes of all sports and abilities.