Athletes tend to focus their training on the physical aspects of their sports. That might include training methods for them to become bigger, faster or stronger then their opponent and other methods might include the athlete working on their individual skills. Athletic coaches focus their teachings on teaching athletes the technical skills, the skills needed to play a sport and the tactical skills, the strategies that are implemented in the game.
When the athlete trains physically, MENTAL skills need to be implemented if the athletes wants to be able to play at their potential. Being a mental athlete, is a holistic approach to athletic training because you can not separate the mind from the body. It is the mind that leads the body. A good way to think about it is, the BODY plays the sport BUT the MIND determines the performance. Athletes who have a lack of confidence, or who have fear and/or anxiety, then their physical performance is going to be sabotaged. Mental athletes train their minds so they can be confidence and perform with a calm mind in order to have a positive performance.
Athletes that commit to working and improving their mental skills, is committing to themselves that they want to learn all the necessary skills in order to give them that competitive advantage. The nature of sport and competition is to challenge the athlete, both physically and mentally. Successful athletes have the physical skills to perform but they also manage the mental side because they know there will be tough times, adversity is going to hit, but how you come out of that adverse time will shape you as an athlete. Developing MENTAL TOUGHNESS will enable athletes to overcome adverse situations to stay on top of their game.
Mental coaching is using the components of sports psychology, to help enhance athletic performance, by assisting athletes to overcome mental barriers that holding them back from reaching peak performance. Some mental barriers that might inhibit an athletes athletic performance include, a lack of confidence in themselves to perform a skill, they might lose focus during a game or an athlete might not be able to rebound after a mistake and they allow negative emotions to take over their minds.
Through mental coaching you will learn to recognize and refocus your thoughts and mental patterns, so you can confidently play your best game.
If you are not seeing the results that you expect from all your physical training, it’s time to change your approach. If your tired of playing inconsistently, or your losing to opponents you know you should beat or you can't perform like you in practice, then let's discuss to find out what is the "root" that is holding you back from peak performance. Your goal is not to work harder, but rather to work SMARTER.
The Athlete's Mental Brain
During your competition, do you have thoughts like these or other thoughts, that enter your mind that interferes with your performance. When your brain is focused on negative thoughts, your mind cannot focus on the task at end, which leads to poor performances. These mental thoughts are ultimately the mental barriers that sabotage your performance. Let's change this mindset, so you can have positive thoughts thereby, increasing the chances of you reaching your full potential and leading to athletic success.
Brian McSparron
Certified Mental Sports Performance Coach